These informative & thoughtful inputs
were extracted from:
Micronesia Forum: CHINESE IN YAP
Dwarf, October 2011
An opportunity riddled with unknowns but an opportunity nevertheless. Let's not
shy away from unseen or the baseless but let's take stock of the present -- are
we confident there are more of these around the corner? Are there better deals
possibly down the road? Are we content to remain as we are to protect our
culture and environment? Will the world let us be, without another power
contesting our right to our 200 miles EEZ? In my opinion, ETG is as good as any
other -- the challenge is if Yap and the FSM can develop development plan that
can ensure protection of culture and environment.
Mor Watit, October 2011
An opportunity shrouded in mystery would be a more appropriate description.
Hence the need to proceed cautiously. We can be overcautious and miss the
opportunity, or we can be overconfident and dig ourselves into a deep hole. This
is a double edge sword we are playing with, we have to be on top of our game and
walk that thin line, one little slip and we fall one way or the other. Being a
very conservative Yapese, watit opts for "better to be overcautious, than to be
over confident" approach.
Mor Watit, October 2011
And perhaps not so may golf courses or maybe take it out altogether. There
cannot be any buildings in Yap over 3 stories high, due to soil condition. It
should be somewhere in a yap state building code or something. no man made
beaches, it will destroy a lot of fishing grounds. And limit the numbers of
tourists on island at a time. limit number of flights, watit does not want to be
awaken up in the middle of the night by planes. No tourist traffics through the
villages at night. Again watit doesn't want to be awaken up in the middle of the
night. No picture taking without permission unless they want their camera
smashed. No bikinis in the villages. No public show of affection in the
villages. As a matter of fact, just keep the tourists away from the villages.
just take them out into the middle of the Ocean and let them swim, hehehe
hopefully watit's friend Mr. Shark will be around to say "hello" to these nice
tourists. hehehe
Bull02, October 2011
Construction of casinos is the first step toward society
Belas, October 2011
To answer Dward who mentioned a very good point is, how about setting up a trust
fund or anything of that sort that will be like the green fee departure tax in
Palau that is collected to fund the protection of the environment in any way the
money seems fit but in your case, it will be directed exclusively toward
maintaining and enhancing your culture and environment also.
Like take the case of Alaska and how their residence get compensated for the oil
they drill over there. If you think about it deeply, this, hopefully, if fully
endorsed by your leaders and developers, can have a positive impact on your
society at far as I'm concerned.
Dwarf, October 2011
Thanks for the contribution, hey I'm one of those that believe Yap should look
to Palau, Guam, Saipan since they are ahead of the progressive development and
use what may be appropriate in its situation. We are all looking to better
ourselves and some of us are a little ahead by virtue of better planning. In the
cases of Palau, Guam and Saipan, I understand that Palau may be similar in its
aspirations while Guam is more American-inspired, Saipan was the TT capital, not
sure of her development goals but she is way infrastructure-developed than all
of the FSM states. All three entities are seriously looking for cultural revival
to ensure their way of life gets passed on, fortunately at this time, Yap is
still living its culture which creates hardship in other ways but seems to act
as a buffer for overzealous capitalistic progress.
14daroad, October 2011
Is that 1, 2, or 3 Bs? or is it 4 B? Sure sounds too good to be true. What does
China want in Yap? Why Yap and not PNI where the land is twice or three times
larger than Yap proper? Or even Palau where it is even bigger? WHY YAP? Did the
Chinese see something that the native Yapese are oblivious to? Does it have
anything to do with Yap's geographic proximity to Guam where the military build
up is slated to occur? I am just curious.
Oh well, I tip my hat to the super committe in Yap, and I hope they look at
every aspect of this gymongous offer.
peace2u, October 2011
as of now no super committee in yap as the legislature has not appointed its two
members to the task force. the committee on resources, education and development
has been assigned the task of reviewing the governor's letter calling for the
creation of the task force and the appointment of the two members from the
legislature. the chairman of that committee is off-island and won't be back for
another week while the deadline created by the governor for the task force to
basically identify lands for development, owners of those lands, and types of
developments on those lands is november 30, 2011, less than a month from today.
talk about haphazard approach to development!!!
Gastuw, October 2011
I Think we as Yapese people should have a say about this so called ETG
development group..Should
have discussions and be briefed on the matter at hand by our
government..Development is a good thing
but all good things also has a negative side or impact and that is what we the
people should consider, Not only
the NOW but the LONG RUN....
gayuch, October 2011
"The Yap State government has not agreed to any development plans in Yap but it
is in the process of forming a taskforce with several mandates." What a load of
bull!! Yap has NOT agreed to any development, huh? SMARTEN UP PEOPLE!! If it has
NOT agreed, why is the governor already calling for a "Work Group." Isn't that
rather pre-mature if we TRULY, haven't agreed to anything? And why the heck are
we involving public-elected, government officials in securing land owned
mainly/mostly by private individuals. Just think about that. Somewhere, somehow,
someone has already given the Chinese enough room to move in and the ball is now
rolling, that, AND ONLY THAT, is a reasonable explanation to why the Governor of
our state along with a select few is flying on a communist-chartered plane.
And for all those of you who are FOR this development, STOP and think for a
little bit. Rack up all of whats left of your brain cells and come to your
senses. Development is always great, but not at the expense of the citizens of
our state. The Chinese are moving in and looking to buy out more than half of
the Island, do you all plan to never have children? Where will your children
call home? OKAY, so you get a payday that makes you feel like you've won the
lottery because you've either spent all your life working dead-end jobs or a
single wad of cash has your blood racing. NEWSALERT, just like ANYONE and
EVERYONE who's stumbled onto large sums of money, you will spend it all faster
than it might take the Chinese to open up for business, and you'll have NOTHING
left. None of that dirty money will be left and you'll end up renting an
apartment or if you've moved off-island, you have nothing else to call your own.
Get real.
Noob, October 2011
Belas, I was just making a mere factual observation no need to get worked up. I
can make a list of all the good things about developments if you want from Guam,
Saipan or Palau but that is obvious to anybody and is not the point of my
post.What Yap is interested in is the bad side of such developments to help its
citizens make a decision. Our limited land mass can not sustain such
developments and therefore should not aim to emulate Guam, Saipan or Palau. Yap
should choose its own economical destiny based on its own resources and ability
and not copy paste another islands developmental plans. This has nothing to do
with Guam, Saipan or Palau but Yap as this thread indicates.
Garoman, October 2011
Siro..Siro ngodad ni gubin..
The bad omens of the white man..development, like anything else, has its pros
and cons..The white man did bring in diseases, junk food, etc..but he also
brought along with him education, health care, cars, and all the other
commodities we enjoy today..The fact of the matter is, we can't be against
development..that's just plain stupidity, ignorance, arrogance and what
not..because if we are, we would look even more stupid posting comments
here..Now, somewhere along the line, Yap has to develop because the children we
are raising and chasing everyday to school will surely come back to the dead end
jobs we in..So, that leaves us with the question..What kind of development do we
want for Yap and our children? We can't wait for our children to come back from
school and make the change. We ourselves must make the change, isn't that our
responsibility as adults?
Anyways, Yap gave its proposals to ETG with a general overview of how they want
development in Yap..details will be made clear once once ETG submits its final
proposal..I'am definitely sure that Yap's proposal reiterated the importance of
CULTURE and ENVIRONMENT as i do know that ETG plans on having a compound or two
running on green power..geothermic or solar..ETG wishes to exhibit the YAPESE
CULTURE and have it inherited in its development if they do have
hotels up and running expect to see a few faluws peebays, and there..
Let us all be to open to development but that doesnt mean jump into the
fire..let us not be another hawaii or tahiti, let us be Yap..If we claim to be
Yapese, and we claim to hold our culture most dearest to us, then nothing can
take that away from us..not the chinese, not even communism..our greatest enemy
is ourselves..losing your identity is like digging your own grave...
Mor Watit, October 2011
Siroo, siroo ngom, ma siroo ko gubin e girdii, ya gathi gag e mang ni nga ug
welthin nib yoor nga fithik dad. Siroo, ma dab gu af machan bee.
watit think we are all in agreement as to the developmental idea. Yap must
develop and change with the rest of the world. we can all agree that the
development must be within our capacity, and not be detrimental to our
environment as well as our culture. Watit is very concerned about the magnitude
of the ETG proposal, Yap just doesn't have the capacity for that big of a
project. To do so would result in an interruption in peoples lives and homes.
the question for watit is would ETG agree to a scale down of their vision? a
much, much smaller project? And what happens when the tourism industry takes a
turn for the worse, would ETG leave us hanging? Much like what the Kingtex did?
We are paying for that mistake still to these days. we are paying for a lot of
fuel to run a very big generator that we only use about 50% of its power. Those
are some of the things that bothers watit about these big developmental ideas.
Mor Watit, February 29, 2012
Yes, Yap needs to develop, that goes without saying. But what we need to be
careful about is this; who should develop Yap, and how is Yap to be developed?
Watit does not understand too much about business, economics, and investments.
But seems to watit, that any investment, whoever makes it, expects some kind of
return. in that line of thought, foreign investment results in a return to the
foreign investor with very little consideration for Yap. Yap may get a fraction
of the yield but not a whole lot. In the end, we get used. Watit had said time
and time again, we must think small scale, it is manageable (given our limited
expertise and technical knowledge), it is affordable (resources), and it yields
a 100% return for our efforts. Lets not sell ourselves short on this idea of we
need outside help. that is total BS! we are just as good as anybody else. The
Chinese are just as human as we are, if they can do something, so can we. Let us
get rid of this defeatist mentality.
Mor Watit, 2012
That is another thing, that level of service must be scaled down. it is not
realistic to maintain it, continuing to do so will only increase our dependency
on foreigners goodwill. How hard is it to tell yourself, I cannot afford to eat
steak everyday without the support of my uncle, since my pay is only so much I
must change my eating habits and eat more fish.
FYI, the revenue for Yap state has been increasing but not enough to keep pace
with the government expenditures. watit will repeat that once again, YAP STATE
REVENUE HAS BEEN INCREASING! unfortunately so has her expenses, Yap must cut
down on her expenses, no two ways about it. Its very simple math, yap state
revenue cannot continue to grow if yap state continues to operate in the red.
Only by cutting down on expenses can Yap state come to realize a surplus in
revenue, that is money which can be invested towards development. Growing on
hand-outs is not the way to go, growth must be within our means and capacity.
Watit practices this in his everyday life in light of his meager paycheck. Yap
state as a whole, must learn to do the same.
Mor Watit, 2012
who cares about those migrating out of Yap, that is their prerogative, they dont
want to do the hard work, fine, go elsewhere and make your living. Those that
want to stay in Yap and do whatever it takes to make Yap float on her own, must
roll up their sleeves and get on with it. who said anything about going back to
the olden days? Its only a scaling down that's needed. In case you have been
sleeping for the past 30 yrs or so, Yap state is the only state in the FSM with
a fall back savings. But in order to make it work lots of government expenses
must be cut and/or scaled down. You should ask the people of the other states
that question, what will happen to you comes 2023? Yap state will be fine.
Mor Watit, March 1, 2012
so Far its only been an MOU and a proposal put forth by the Chinese side.
Nothing has been agreed upon yet. Nothing is definite yet. The chinese are
pulling all the stops probing every which ways. Watit has total confidence that
the government of Yap State know exactly what they are doing. Its only common
sense, and Yap did not get to where she is at today if she did not employ common
sense in all decision making processes.
Yangfelfel, April 16, 2012
It looks like nothing is slowing down with this ETG. The Chairman of ETG Deng
Hong and several top guys are coming to Yap later in April from 23 to the end.
Why are they coming here no one knows. Is another agreement going to be signed?
Do not know but who knows the way things have been handle that just might happen
and when it does they will make sure that no copy is available to the people.
They continue to say that there is not enough information to inform the public
about. That is a shame. With all of the people coming to Yap from ETG and
Governor and others going to China and we can still say to the people that there
is not enough information to share with the people? Something is fishy about all
of this stuff. The color of money has taken over the sensibility of people who
were elected to safeguard the welfare of people. Maybe Mr. Deng Hong will
finally come to present the ETG Master Plan to destroy Yap and develop the ETG
Yap Paradise for tourism and not the Yapese people.
Yangfelfel, April 23, 2012
Well, well. Chinese in Yap! Wow even after the Legislature adopted a Resolution
asking ETG to refrain from taking further action in Yap State in connection with
its investment plan until after the people of Yap have been fully informed of
the components, impact of the ETG investment on the custom, tradition and lives
of the people and future of the State and until the Legislature has approved for
ETG to further its plan investment in the State.
Chairman Bruno Tharngan sent a letter to ETG Chairman Deng Hong saying that he
has heard from Governor about their coming to Yap and that they are delighted
look forward to welcome them and advised Mr. Hong that there are rumblings and
grumblings in the State but those will not impact what was agreed in the MOU
between them which they signed.
So the ETG plane roared in yesterday and they are here and another plane may
come tomorrow with the ETG people and the FSM Ambassador to China and Secretary
Marion Henry. What will they say and why are they are? Those are questions.
Before our people are fully informed of this ETG Investment the higher ups of
ETG and the FSM are pushing to get the investment start. I am sorry for our
Government, that is all.
fsmer, April 23, 2012
"mis-leading the people"? nearly two thousand people were misled by a handful of
DOE workers? ridiculous. stop this campaign of misinformation. the only
misleading happening here is on the part of the council of pilung and the anefal
administration, which seem hell-bent on implementing the ETG scheme with little
regard to the professed confusion and outrage of the yapese people. yap's future
hangs in the balance, and yet you are content with throwing smoke in the
people's eyes and impeding the efforts of those who want transparency and
integrity in this ETG situation. shame on you, sir/madam.
as for the legal effect of the resolution, it is true that the legislative
resolution is not binding, but that does not change the fact that ETG's original
proposal and yap's counter-proposal (which i read on a separate forum, and which
a number of sources have assured me was rejected by ETG) require the yap state
legislature's explicit approval before the proposed investment scheme can be
implemented. as long as the yap state legislature holds firm to the spirit and
letter of its ETG resolution, and as long as the thousands of yapese who have
signed/supported the ETG petition continue to voice their concerns about the
government's rush to action, i suspect that the ETG investment will be stymied
for a while. whether that will result in transparent information-sharing with
the public remains to be seen. i'm not holding my breath, but i'm not giving up
hope, either. the yapese people are not dumb, and they do not take kindly to
being patronized and, yes, misled.
rzrbck, April 24, 2012
I hope so. I am truly against virtually any Chinese activity here in Yap. I
would like my children and grand-children to be able to use their land for what
they would like to use it for, not what some chief or politician decides.
Dwarf, April 24, 2012
There are foreign investment regulations in place, may not be adequate but
existing, and the executive branch is spearheading development prospects and
possibilities as required. The COP had basically stated that it doesn't see any
threat to traditions and cultures, as defined in the limited scope of the MOU
between COP and ETG, paving the way for the Executive Branch to do due diligence
and public education. The Legislative Branch in a resolution had urged Governor
to educate the Yapese people about the ETG developments, the good and the bad,
you might say. Concurrently, concerned citizens had petitioned the Leadership to
educate the people of the State about the ETG proposals. At this time it seemed,
the Legislative Branch through a resolution wanted to halt the conversations
between ETG and stakeholders until such time it feels it safe for the process to
move on. I think this is posturing to muddy up the educational and developmental
process, the Legislature's role is to provide development policies, regulations
to improve and protect the lot of the Yapese people; it is not doing that
intentionally at this time, it wants to stop the conversations. Are we satisfied
with our lot today? Are we doing better than we did 5 years ago? Is some other
investors coming? Agriculture, Fisheries and Tourism is the priority of
development for the FSM as well as the State of Yap. Guess which of these three
will accomplish that proverbial "kill all with one stone"?
fsmer, April 24, 2012
if the COP truly believes that the ETG scheme does not pose any threats to our
traditions and culture--despite ETG's naked desire for casino gambling, the
extensive razing of hallowed traditional land holdings, and the tight control of
maritime comings-and-goings, among other alarming ambitions--then the COP is in
complete dereliction of its constitutional duty and should be ignored and/or
disbanded. even if the COP is correct in its assessment, how has that "pav[ed]
the way for the Executive Branch to do due diligence and public education" when
the anefal administration continues to insist that there is not enough
information to educate the public, despite the numerous meetings held by ETG
with the COP and the anefal administration (not to mention the two proposals and
the MOU already bandied between ETG, the COP, and the anefal administration)?
as for the legislature's resolution, the point is not to "stop the
conversation"--the point is to have a public conversation in the first place! if
that conversation can be genuine, comprehensive, and transparent, even better,
but at least have a conversation! the COP, the anefal administration, and their
allies want to shoehorn this investment scheme into existence without having the
very sort of conservation that the legislature and thousands of yapese want to
have. why? i'm not a genius, but i don't need to be one in order to figure that
the COP and the executive branch know a stinky deal when they see one (or, at
least a stinky deal for those who are not in ETG, on the COP, and in the anefal
administration), and they don't want to give the public the opportunity to
question ETG's scheme and expose its many, many faults.
it is not the legislature that is "muddy[ing] up the . . . process," nor is it
the many, many yapese who signed the ETG petition and routinely profess outrage
at the breakneck pace at which the COP and the anefal administration are
proceeding. no, dwarf, it is our traditional chiefs--the supposed guardians of
our cultural way of life--and the anefal administration--the supposed executing
branch for the interests of the people--who are being hasty, conniving,
delinquent, and short-sighted. forget about five years ago, dwarf--what about
five years in the future, ten years, twenty, when our lands are ruined, our
fisheries are devastated, our claim to cultural integrity dashed, our people
broken, all because we were hoodwinked and forced to accept our own doom? we are
still a proud and enterprising people, no different than we were five years ago.
that will change in the blink of an eye if ETG and its yapese allies get their
Dwarf, April 24, 2012
Do you envision any kind of development, say from US investors that would not
affect our traditions or culture? The Compact funding continue to erode our
traditional way of life, what's new, huh?. Extended families and large nuclear
families are no longer as favorable as the norm due to financial hardships in
the cash based economy. I guess my point earlier was that the Executive Branch
is mandated to create jobs, development, etc. to serve the need of the state.
The Legislative Branch has its own roles and functions which at the moment seems
confusing. The Legislature will not put forward any development plan but now
that one is being proposed, they are all over it to drown it out. Are we
anticipating something better down the road or can these leaders join forces now
and explore something better for the people. I know for a fact that the
Legislature has been invited from the beginning to collaborate, offer comments,
input and leadership to explore ETG interests, to no avail until the COP drew up
the MOU with ETG. Even the Executive was fumbling all over the place, again
until COP fired that first bullet (MOU). The ball is rolling, the process is
moving -- this is not the time to stop the conversation, the petitioners are
very much part of that process. The Legislative is not the Executive and the COP
members each have own sphere of geographical influence.
fsmer, April 25, 2012
dwarf and kully:
thank you for your comments.
i agree with dwarf that pretty much any development plan will have some impact
on our customs and traditions. that is inevitable. the issue, though, is making
sure that such an impact will be minimal, be counterbalanced by numerous
positive benefits, and be the product of an exhaustive and transparent
consultation process with the people of yap. so far, the ramp-up to the ETG
investment does not promise to satisfy any of those criteria. the original ETG
proposal will, among other things, severely tax yap's natural resources without
adequate governmental oversight, push for harmful gambling, and commit the state
of yap to a slate of improvement projects that will leave yap with all the risk
and without much protection down the line in the event that ETG decides to pull
out of its scheme. and, of course, this is all happening without the input and
involvement of the people of yap in the negotiating and planning stages--the
most critical stages in this entire process. a scheme of this magnitude cannot
be left to the devices of the executive branch and the COP while the people of
yap are left in the dark. this is why thousands of yapese signed the ETG
petition and routinely voice their dismay about, and disapproval of, the ETG
scheme. how can the anefal administration be so deaf to the cries of its own
i will not comment, kully, on your characterization of speaker falan. i think
the readers of this thread--and the majority of the yapese population--know who
the true manipulators and connivers are in this situation. i will also not
comment on your characterization of the legislature's involvement (or lack
thereof) in the negotiating process, except to say that the recent letter from
the legislature to the anefal administration paints the exact opposite of your
assertions, insisting quite convincingly that the anefal administration did not
diligently consult with the legislature before seeking a full proposal from ETG.
i will, however, agree with you (and with dwarf) that the yap state leadership
(including the yap state legislature) needs to have an alternative development
plan in the event that the ETG scheme does not get off the ground. contrary to
what you may believe, i am not opposed to having ETG invest in yap. i am,
however, opposed to the frightening, destructive, cynical scale of ETG's
proposed investment scheme, and i will support only a limited, sustainable ETG
investment that fully involves the yapese community, respects our customs and
traditions, and strictly minimizes any impact on our fragile natural resources.
if ETG cannot scale down its original scheme to meet those criteria, then i
oppose ETG fully, and i suspect that i will not be the only one. in that event,
though, i would like the leadership of the state to let me know what the
alternative development prospects are. if not, then we will be back to square
as for the recent reception thrown for the chinese visitors, i am not sure that
one can draw the conclusion you have drawn, dwarf. two members of the
legislature attending a welcoming reception does not equate to a transparent,
exhaustive, respectful dialogue between the COP, the anefal administration, and
the people of yap. the fundamental criticism that i and many yapese have about
the ETG situation is that the executive branch and our traditional chiefs have
repeatedly refused to openly and fully brief the people of yap on the complete
scope and content of the ETG scheme, from the tabling of the initial ETG
proposal to the present day. the administration's frequent insistence that there
is not enough information to brief the people is ludicrous, laughable, and
downright insulting to the people of yap. a single welcoming reception, whether
or not attended by members of the legislature, does not in any way excuse the
anefal administration and the COP from their continuing obligation to brief the
people and allow the people to comment on--and, yes, critique--the ETG scheme
before any decision is made. the purpose of the ETG resolution and the ETG
petition remains, and the anefal administration cannot wash its hands off its
duties by simply throwing a party and inviting a few legislators.
again, thank you for your comments, dwarf and kully. i hope you will join your
fellow citizens (assuming that you are yapese) in holding our leaders
accountable and refusing to let them beguile us with promises that are hollow,
self-serving, and ultimately detrimental to our personal values and precious
resources. we deserve to be informed, we deserve to be heard, and we deserve to
be taken seriously. the anefal administration and the COP have so far refused to
pay us that minimum of courtesy, and you should be just as outraged about it as
i and many other yapese are.
Yangfelfel, April 25, 2012
The information we got from the reception and from reading the State Press
Release, make us very concern because there seem to be among our people people
who are already doing things the Chinese way, which accurate reporting is a
foreign concept. The Reception that is being talked about was not by the State
Leadership and the ETG is the one paying for the Reception and so how can it be
labeled by the Government press as a joint state leadership welcoming dinner.
What I was told is that people who went there spend the time eating the many
food that was served and they continue to eat until they were ready to leave and
the their main hosts Deng Hong of ETG and the President of the Export Import
Bank, who is a well known member of the higher up in the Chinese Government or
State Council were there and did not say any word with anybody and they just got
up and went up to their rooms without as much as saying good bye or some gesture
that people make when departing. So if that is the attitude then it is all a
matter of time before they put their foot in the doorway and after that it will
be all Chinese way. So the Reception is we everybody did noting but eating so
the ETG Project is based on how much food you can consume, never mind how much
destruction will do to your life and the future of your island.
Example, yesterday a Chinese person went into YCA to buy a pants and so as soon
as he got to where the pants were, he simply undressed right there in full view
of everybody else and tried the pants he wanted. That is one Chinese out of the
possible 4,000.
Well, well, well
Mor Watit, April 26, 2012
we are all smart here, lets not try to insult each other's intelligence by
arguing most illogically. The bottom line is that the people have spoken by way
of the petition, the Legislature had taken the necessary steps to comply with
the people's wishes. The resolution might have been authored at the YSL, but the
request contained within came from the people. Its not Legislature vs. Governor
anymore with this matter. Its what the people of Yap want, no more, no less. It
is not very complicated, really, just let the people in on the matter. How hard
is that?
fsmer, April 26, 2012
thank you for expressing in one paragraph what i tried to express in way too
many paragraphs. it really is as simple as that; "let the people in."
Dwarf, April 26, 2012
how come the Legislature doesn't call in the Governor for a public broadcast on
the proposal? The Legislature passed its first resolution for public education
on the project before the people's petition -- the Governor had put forth a
counter proposal, I believe, hopefully in consultation with COP and the Speaker
not yet responded to by ETG. The ETG visited earlier this week bringing along a
prominent banker to hob knob with the leadership, I believe members of COP
hitched a jet ride with ETG delegation to Pohnpei and back this week also. I
believe anybody in the state can put in their own two cents to the Governor and
that may be what is happening informally; however, there has to be a venue for
public to join and the Legislature chamber is the appropriate venue. At this
point, nothing is formalized -- do we believe stake holders should be involved
in the nitty gritty or should our leaders bring us the big picture in a public
education manner? I know petitioners want a plebiscite on the project which is
desirable considering the scope of the proposed project.
I stand by my comment that the China man should have been attended to soon as he
was spotted browsing through clothing. I've seen too much to assume everybody
knows everything about different kinds of people, let alone an outsider seeing
us in kafar, lava lava, thu, going topless, picking noses, spitting all over,
stained teeth -- a quick checking pant size may not be as out of place in this
China man's mind. Bare naked?? I believe if you dig far enough, it may not have
happened "bare assed" as was described.
fsmer, April 26, 2012
i believe the legislature has requested governor anefal to publicly brief the
people about the ETG scheme--whether through a comprehensive public education
program or in a public hearing at the legislature--and to do so right way,
before negotiations with ETG proceed any further. governor anefal has so far
done no such thing--hence, the public's confusion and consternation.
as for whether "stake holders should be involved in the nitty gritty," i say
yes, given the "scope of the proposed project" (as you point out). ETG's
proposal is not some run-of-the-mill investment scheme that a duly appointed
investment review board can vet on its own; ETG's proposal, in its current
iteration, will impact virtually every aspect of life--commercial,
environmental, political, communal, familial, cultural--in yap, and the yapese
people need to be fully informed and fully involved in all stages of the
negotiating and planning for the investment, especially if it means giving the
yapese people the opportunity to critique the ETG proposal and voice their very
legitimate concerns. given the sort of actions that the anefal administration
and the COP have taken so far--secretive, duplicitous, ill-informed actions--i
cannot wait for "our leaders [to] bring us the big picture in a public education
manner." if the anefal administration and the COP have their way, they will
negotiate a deal, strike it, and bind the state's future to the ETG scheme
before they ever educate the public of the scope and content of the scheme. the
whole matter will be a fait accompli, and any "public education" will be a
as for the naked chinese man at YCA . . . um, i'm not touching that with a
ten-foot pole.
thanks for your comments, dwarf.
Mor Watit, April 27, 2012
Why are you asking watit about YSL matters? That is their business, just as
keeping the public informed in matters pertaining to ETG investment is the
governor's responsibility. Watit is not interested in finding anyone to blame.
Watit just want to know WTF is going on. Watit has had a chance to ask
representatives from ETG directly and got very unsatisfactory answers. Talk
about beating around the bushes! At any rate, watit is still waiting for answers
and watit believes the governor is the person who has all the answers to his
you seem to be confused about "outsiders" and "locals." As long as Yapese are on
Yap, they may wear their traditional attires however they chose. Any outsiders
who has a problem with that may go to the airport, get on the plane and GTF out!
If a yapese women was to go off island and decided to wear her traditional
clothes, watit is sure that women will be arrested for public indecency. The
fact of the matter is that these mofus chinks dont give a damn on who they piss
on as long as they get what they want. "we respect the culture of Yap," said one
of the ETG representatives. A very strange way of showing it..............
fsmer, May 1, 2012
thank you for your comments.
my apologies for not responding sooner. i did not realize until very recently
that micsem had shut down its forum; i thought that this discussion had become
stagnant, and i failed to find out about the latest responses to this thread
until now.
two main responses to yours, tes:
1) the legislature does not have the power to subpoena the governor, the COP, or
any other individual, whether private or public. i'm no legal expert, but i'm
pretty sure that subpoena powers are exercised exclusively by the judiciary.
generally speaking, the legislature cannot compel the appearance and testimony
of government officials on any matter in the legislature's chamber. (there may
be an exception for someone who is nominated by the executive branch for a
government position and who needs to be confirmed by the legislature, but i'm
not completely sure. i stand to be corrected by the legal beagles in this
forum.) even during public hearings on, for example, the state's budget, the
legislature cannot require representatives from the executive branch to appear
at the legislature and answer the senators' questions. the legislature can
merely request such an appearance. people usually comply because it is in their
best interests to do so, but the legislature has no true police power here.
which leads me to:
2) even if the legislature has "subpoena" power, that does not change the fact
that the primary responsibility for educating the yapese public about the ETG
scheme remains the anefal administration's (as well as the COP's). it is with
the anefal administration and the COP that ETG has engaged almost exclusively
throughout the negotiating process. it is the anefal administration and the COP
that possess the full breadth and depth of information available so far on the
ETG scheme. (and yes, that information is quite extensive, despite claims to the
contrary by the anefal administration. there have been two full proposals
exchanged between the two sides already!) it was the clandestine, opaque,
conniving actions of the anefal administration and the COP that prompted nearly
two thousand yapese to sign the recent ETG petition calling for a halt to
negotiations with ETG and demanding that the government "fully inform, educate
and disseminate to all the general populace relevant information regarding the
components, impact, and status of the proposed ETG investment in various mediums
and forums."
it is completely disingenuous to place any blame on the legislature when it is
the anefal administration and the COP that hoard all the information about the
ETG scheme and refuse to share them with the yapese public. the legislature
cannot compel the anefal administration and the COP to divulge that information.
the onus remains firmly on governor anefal, his cabinet, and the COP to do what
the people of yap clearly want them to do. don't try to confuse the issue with
this obvious attempt at shifting blame to where it does not belong, tes.
another point, one that is related to the foregoing points but which has not
really been discussed in this thread:
the ETG petition insists "that no further agreement and promises, both written
and oral, be made by the Government and the Leadership of Yap, on said proposal
by ETG until such time that the people of Yap have duly expressed their free
will on the said proposal in a plebiscite to be funded by the Government of
Yap." will there indeed be a plebiscite? this, in my opinion, is where the
legislature has an obligation to act. if the legislature heeds the will of the
people who signed the petition (as well as the many other yapese who, i am sure,
support the petition but did not sign it for one reason or another), then the
legislature must fund, plan, and provide for a plebiscite on the ETG scheme.
if the anefal administration and the COP are smart, they will try to get ahead
of that scenario by briefing the public sooner rather than later, so that the
public's clamor for a plebiscite dies down. i'm not really holding my breath,
though, and to be completely honest, i want a plebiscite. it's one thing for
people to discuss things in homes and villages and forums like this one; it's
another thing to cast a vote in favor of a particular action or measure that
binds the state. the people of yap are no longer the moribund, deceptively
easy-going caricatures of yesteryear. there is an exciting renaissance of public
engagement afoot in yap, and the leadership of yap (particularly the anefal
administration and the COP, but also the legislature) will do well to appreciate
and embrace that movement rather than aggravate it with more secrecy and
deception and broken promises.
tes, May 2, 2012
Thank you for clarifying.
My unpopular perspective was for the purpose of gaining a balanced discussion,
and I apologize if I have offended anybody, since that was not my intention. My
hope was that we stop with the finger-pointing, from the perspective that all
are far from perfect, team-work is crucial for attaining some perfection, and
that a well-rounded team has diverse views.
I am neither a lawyer nor do I possess any legal training. I may have
misunderstood Yap State Constitution Article 5 Section 12 as written: “The
Legislature shall have and exercise all the authority and attributes inherent in
legislative assemblies, including the power to institute and conduct
investigations, issue subpoenas to witnesses and other concerned parties, and
administer oaths.”
Thank you for your comments but I shan’t give up hopes that our leaderships work
together toward the best interest of the public. After all, a leader can't
always depend on the voting public, since the wishes of the majority voters are
often times ill-informed, not comprehensive, thus, not always in their
(public's) best interest. For example, if we were to adhere to every whim of the
majority, we wouldn't be paying taxes.
fsmer, May 2, 2012
thank you for your response. i think i watch too many "Law & Order"
episodes--and don't read the yap state constitution enough times! my apologies.
i stand corrected on the subpoena matter. thank goodness for true legal minds in
this forum!
however, as i state in point #2 in my previous post, even if the legislature has
the power to subpoena, that still does not change the balance of information and
power in this situation. the primary responsibility for educating the people
about the ETG scheme remains with the anefal administration and the COP. the
legislature can subpoena people as often as it wants, but those people still
need to show up and divulge information, and that's much easier said than
accomplished. besides, a legislative hearing is not the only way for the anefal
administration to educate the people--it may not even be the best way. rather,
the anefal administration and the COP can just as easily hold joint public
education seminars, perhaps several at community centers throughout yap. there
need not be any hostile subpoenas involved, just a genuine, respectful,
transparent process of consultation between the yap state leadership and the
people of yap. that process needs to happen now, before any significant steps
are taken in the ETG negotiating process.
i also do not agree with your characterization of the ETG petition effort as a
mere "whim of the majority." clearly, this issue has struck a deep chord with a
large percentage of the yapese population, and for good reason. rather than
dismiss the people's concerns, the leadership needs to respect them and address
them head-on, sooner rather than later.
having said that, i do agree with you that "all are far from perfect, team-work
is crucial for attaining some perfection, and [] a well-rounded team has diverse
views." the relationship between the executive, legislative, and traditional
branches of government in yap is unsteady, to say the least, and i really hope
that the branches can find a way to work together constructively for the sake of
the state and her people. this is a tremendously trying time, and personal
politics and vendettas must give way to the public good. am i optimistic that a
rapprochement will occur? not really. have i given up hope? no--but sadly, i'm
getting there.
thank you again, tes, for your response.
tes, May 3, 2012
I appreciate your comments, but we mustn’t lose hope and optimism.
According to a recent news release, preparations for informative hearings and a
state economic summit are underway. The Anefal administration and the YSL's
Finance Committee have tipped forward the first domino piece toward a
well-informed public. This may aid the concerned public become qualified
(well-informed) for the plebiscite. Again, thank you and I paste below an
excerpt on the state's progressive undertakings.
peace2u, May 3, 2012
let me correct some of the statements in the press release.
the reschedule of the public hearing was done at the request of the office of
planning and budget since lt. governor and kensley will be off island during the
time the hearing was originally scheduled. it was not the committee on finance
which had some other commitments. the chairman of the finance committee made
that clarification during the session today.
on the economic summit, it was chairman mulalap who first introduced the
resolution to convene a state economic summit during the 7th legislature and the
first year of anefal's first term of office. it is not until last week that
anefal requested funding for the summit. i guess it's better late than never.
tes, May 3, 2012
Thank you for clarifying.
I agree that Governor's Communication No. 8-160 would consist of the commitments
of the administration rather than the YSL's. Despite the petty political
clutter, the public may finally rest assured that their whole leadership is
engaging the predicament, toward the best interest of the public. Thanks to all
competent leaders, and especially the commendable chairman of the finance
committee, who has saved the day!
Yangfelfel May 17, 2012
Do we really believe that Chinese and ETG really care about our culture, custom
and traditions? Well for me, I do not think they give a damn by just watching
what they are doing around the island today. They have very little sensitivity
to what we do and what we are. Just come to the Public Forum on May 21, 2012