These informative & thoughtful inputs were extracted from:


passion, April 7, 2012
I need to know the status of the recent petition circulated regarding ETG investment? I understand that it was submitted to the Yap State Governor and YSL. any........

Yangfelfel, April 9, 2012
Got to the Legislature and is assigned to the Committee of the Whole, which is Chaired by Vice Speaker Ted Rutun. Copies were sent to Governor and the two Councils.

nutcracker, April 9, 2012
Such petition requires public acknowledgement. How could such endeavor remain in the dark, knowing that the citizens of this state of yap is the primary stakeholders of such plan? This is really show how the government officials care about its constituents.

Yangfelfel, April 9, 2012
Nutcracker you are right. It should be known that 1,500 citizens have petitioned their government for their need to be informed.

tide, April 11, 2012
Yap Legislature Receives Petition on ETG Proposal

The 8th Legislature of the State of Yap, on April 3rd, 2012, received a petition of over 1500 signatures of Yapese citizens, residents and interested parties expressing concerns regarding the development and investments being proposed by the Chinese Exhibition and Travel Group (ETG) for the State of Yap. It has been numbered as Miscellaneous Communication No. 8-126 and assigned to the Committee of the Whole.

In its English translation, the petition states:

We, the undersigned:

As residents of the State of Yap, are aware of the many economic problems facing this State and the country; and
Are also aware that there are potential economic development and investments being proposed by the Chinese Exhibition and Travel Group (ETG) for the State of Yap; and
Are concerned as to the full impact of such proposals on our people, traditions, culture, land, ocean, and identity; and
Are concerned and committed to the welfare of our people, communities and islands and we recognize the importance of all our people being fully informed and provided an opportunity to participate and submit their views in any and all discussions on the investment issue;

Therefore, we the undersigned:

Are hereby requesting the Government and the Leadership of the State of Yap, to fully inform, educate and disseminate to the general populace relevant information regarding the components, impact, and status of the proposed ETG investment in various mediums and forums;
That such mediums and forums be conducted thoroughly both in town and in all outlying villages and islands in a regular and frequent manner;
And that no further agreement and promises, both written and oral, be made by the Government and the Leadership of Yap, on said proposal by ETG until such time that the people of Yap have duly expressed their free will on the said proposal in a plebiscite to be funded by the Government of Yap.

The petition is addressed to Speaker Henry Falan and according to the communication, copies were also made available to the Office of the Governor, Council of Pilung and the Council of Tamol by the petitioners.

marz, April 11, 2012
An exemplary act of participatory democracy! Great work, petitioners, the rest of FSM should follow suit on matters at their own front yards. Hope the leaders heed to your meaningful call. And thank you to the translator of your petition and to Tide for posting it here.

Yangfelfel, April 11, 2012
The message is to the leaders from the people and it has come about because of their fear that perhaps the leaders are not considering the interest and welfare of the people in all that is going on now and especially with the Chinese group. What the leaders should do is to take action and assure the people that they stand with them and for them.

mkefel, April 12, 2012
Just so the record is clear, the legislature had requested the governor to not sign any more agreements with etg until the chinese proposal is fully digested and the people of yap understand what exactly the chinese want to do in yap. the legislature adopted a resolution requesting the governor not to do anything further until there has been public education on the chinese proposal. the leadership in yap includes the legislature.
i understand that the legislature has received a copy of the petition with more than 1500 signatures, and that communication has been assigned to the committee of the whole, which is chaired by vice speaker rutun. i don't think the legislature will ignore 1500 people as most of these people are the ones who put these senators into their seats. i think the petition re-enforces what the legislature were saying their resolution.
let's wait and see what the leadership will do with the petition.

Yangfelfel, April 12, 2012
Mkefel, you are right. I think the Resolution was only to put things on hold and address the need to inform the public and for the public to express their views. The YSL Resolution was not to stop ETG or anything like that but to hold everything with ETG and address the need by the public to know about this ETG Project. Now with the Petition, I guess that is clear statement from the public on their need to know and right to decide.

Yangfelfel, April 16, 2012
The Petition signed by 15OO people reads as follows:

Siroo ma gamad e girdii ni kug sign gad ko re babiyor nee, e gamad be siroo nag ko am nge pilung ni nga gu nonad:
Kanog ma kug rung a ged ni baa e puruy ko Chinese Exhibition and Travel Group [ETG] ni nge ngonglii boch e business u daken u Waab, ma gamad manang nib tuuf e business ko nam u Waab.
Siroo, gamad baadag ni dab kaa start e ETG ko business u Waab. Gamad baadag ni nge yog e am ko girdii nu Waab ko mang e be yog e ETG ni nge rin u Waab. Ba gaa fan ni nge nang e girdii u Waab ko mang e be buch, me yog e girdii nu Waab lanyan rad, ko nge yib e ETG nga Waab fa dangaa, ma faan ra ngar bad, ma mang e ngar rinaed u Waab.
Ere gamad be siroo nge wenig ko am ni ngan talag e puruy ko ETG nge taw ko ngiyal ni ke nang girdii nu Waab ko mang e be yog e ETG ni nge rin me yog e girdii nu Waab ko mang e yibadaag ni ngan pag e EYG ni ngar rinaed u Waab.

English Translation
We the undersigned:
As residents of the State of Yap, are aware of the many economic problems facing the State and the Country; and
Are also aware that there is potential economic development and investments being proposed by the Chinese Exhibition and Travel Group [ETG] for the State of Yap; and
Are concern as to the full impact of such proposals on our people, traditions, culture, land, ocean and identity; and
Are concerned and committed to the welfare of our people, communities and islands and we recognize the importance of all our people being fully informed and provided an opportunity to participate and submit their views in any and all discussions on the investment issue;

Therefore, we the undersigned:

Are hereby requesting the Government and the Leadership of the State of Yap, to fully inform, educate and disseminate to all the general populace relevant information regarding the components, impact, and status of the proposed ETG investment in various mediums and forums;
That such mediums and forums be conducted thoroughly both in town and in all outlying villages and islands in a regular and frequent manner;
And that no further agreement and promises, both written and oral, be made by the Government and the Leadership of Yap, on said proposal by ETG until such time that the people of Yap have duly expressed their free will on the said proposal in a plebiscite to be funded by the Government of Yap.