Follow-up Report

on Mr. Ishikawa and the Japanese TV Program(s)


May 21, 2002

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to report some results of Mr. Naoki Ishikawa (referred as Naoki) and his having brought two TV film teams from Japan to Yap and Woleai in 2001.


The TV Asahi director Mr. HT came to Yap and Woleai in November 2001 accompanying Naoki in search of scenes that would show Naoki truly becoming a navigator. However, after intensive debate, the company and Mr. HT decided not to televise any film they had shot from Yap and Woleai with Naoki, so that their sincereness as TV reporters would be maintained. I greatly appreciate their courageous decision.

On the other hand, the TBS BS-i team, which was led by the coordinator Ms. Shinobu Katayama and the director Mr. Naoyuki Kubo and came in Yap and Woleai in December 2001, completed their program. Then it was put on the air on February 8th, 2002.

It was hard for me to get a copy of the TBS BS-i product because it was made for digital broadcasting, which required a digital TV set that had not yet come into popular use in the ordinary Japanese household. Fortunately, a friend of mine could get it through catching the programfs rebroadcast in a cable TV station.

After his return to Japan, Naoki gave some lectures on gstar navigationh. According to the CD-ROM record I could get, he displayed in his lecture many photos. Some had been taken during his trip with Mr. Mau Piailug to Satawal in 1998 and most of the others had been taken in Woleai in 2001. Naoki made some imprudent jokes on the persons appearing in his photos. A video in that Mr. Mairal was singing star song was also presented. Naoki collected an entrance fee of 1000 yen (around $8.00) per person and they counted more than 70 attendees in two days in Osaka. Naoki advertises his glecture" on his web site!

Also please note that Naokis articles and interviews were still coming out on several magazines with the photos, which he could obtain during his two trips with TV Asahi and TBS in 2001.

The Result

The overall impression of the program of TBS BS-i was hollow and incoherent. Furthermore, it was deceptive: despite the program was announced to be a documentary, many of the scenes in the film were accompanied with incorrect or makeup stories and some scenes were insulting for the local community. All of which prove that this product could never be a documentary. However, most of the ordinary viewers in Japan would believe what they saw and heard in the program was true because of the real impactive pictures from Yap and Woleai.

The reasons that caused this situation were:

  1. The filmmakers had no concern for the destinationfs society. (Of course they would hide it from us.) But now we clearly see that their concern was just to make a product out of the efave ravef Naoki and Yukiyo expecting to get higher audience rating by using them.
  2. No local informant was invited to make the product accurate. Nor were contacted during the process of editing, neither given any chance of reviewing before publishing.
  3. The program makers heavily depended on the Japanese sources instead. Especially their close relationship with ex-JOCV for Yap Visitors Bureau, Ms. Yoko Suzuki, was strange and problem. In my understanding, a JOCV is expected to support the community of his/her service, but NOT to stand by and/or to act for any commercial intent from Japan. If he/she does so, the local community will be easily misled or confused, for they believe that the Japanese government always backs up his/her status.


In the following part of this report, I will explain what I found in the TBS BS-i program and in one of Naokis lectures, of those that I have copies. If you are interested in getting or examining these copies by yourself, please feel free to contact me.

For the Future

It will be my pleasure if this report could offer you any help for the future to protect the community from such a useless and fruitless exposure.




Su Mitsue Yasui

Naturefs Way

TBS BS-i program

Title: Adventure Special, Heart of the Earth

Subtitle: Ancient Navigation Technique for future

### The title did not present the contents. The title and its main theme (said to be) "why they adventure", was inconsistent with the main contents and subtitle = navigation.

Some Information from the credit line (actually came in last of the film):

Director Mr. Naoyuki Kubo

Coordinator Ms. Shinobu Katayama

Supervisor Mr. Kiyoto Shaku

Cooperation FSM Embassy in Tokyo

Yap Visitors Bureau

YAMAHA Music Company

### Ms. Shinobu Katayama must have been paid well for her coordination of the filming. Mr. Shakufs listing here indicates that most likely he had got enough paid for his esupervisionf even he did not come to Yap with the crew. Because Ms. Yukiyo Nakamura (referred to Yukiyo), one of the gperformersh, is a YAMAHA Musicfs contracted musician, YAMAHA was listed here and you will see YAMAHAfs logo clearly here and there in the film. While, FSM Embassy and YVBfs listing here gave viewers a sense of authority, but no monetary compensation were involved despite their innocent cooperation.

The program started with some pictures of gadventurersh and gdiscoverersh in the past. Then Naoki was introduced, by video insertion, as one of the adventurers who climbed the highest peaks of the seven continents, who was one of the eager students of the great Micronesian navigators, and who in the future was to become a navigator himself.

Four Japanese gadventurersh, Mr. Kenji Banba, Ms. Yumiko Okubo, Mr. Ken Hara and Ms. Junko Tabei, were brought into the studio. Their gadventuresh (climbing, sailing and flying) were introduced by video insertion. Then they started talking about their own adventures and motivations ramblingly.

Naokis introduction again and Yukiyofs introduction as a music composer. She was going to accompany Naokis learning trip to Woleai for her music.

Their trip story started from the airport in Japan (Narita), the airport in Yap, Colonia town then the scene moved to the zero fighter near Old Airport, which belongs to Mr. AR.

### Our (Natures Ways) tour guide and three customers saw their filming in Lamer village on December 28th, Friday. Then our tour had to wait to enter the site until they finished filming.

### Advanced approval from the municipal chief was in doubt.

The scene moved into under the water. A manta was shot from the front and the back.

### Our three customers (divers) and myself witnessed the cameraman under the water on December 27th, Thursday in Miil Channel. He was diving with ORC Dive Center but when we saw him in the water, he was alone. After he left, we were not able to see any manta on that day. From the scene, I saw the camera was almost the same level as the manta, especially from the back, which indicates the cameraman could have chased after the manta: most of mantas dislike being chased and they would go away.

### Advanced approval from the municipal chief was in doubt.

The scene moved to the stick dance from Maaq Village, Tomil.

### Please look carefully. Naoki was wearing a piece of blue loincloth (in outer island style) and Yukiyo was wearing lava lava! Even you cannot confirm the scene, many people had witnessed their costumes on that day.

### They went to Maaq village on December 16th, Sunday. Some children (dancers) later reported to their parents that they had danced for gJapanese Ambassadorh. They believed the TV team must have been some VIPs because they came with a police car!

### Advanced approval from the municipal chief was in doubt.

They flied to Woleai. When Yukiyo came out on the runway, the narrator said, gExcept for emergency evacuation, there were only several flights in a year connecting this island to outside. This was why many curious people gathered and kept gazing at her quietly from a distance, which made Ms. Nakamura perplexed.h

The meeting in the canoe house, then Christina was introduced. Naoki showed how to use the flush toilet in the community center. He demonstrated how to wear a loincloth.

At the meal, the camera emphasized on the flies on Yukiyofs plate. The narrator mentioned her hesitation of eating the food covered by flies. She also hesitated to eat by fingers. Finally she ate, biting directly on the fish!

### Japanese eat food by chopsticks and Micronesians eat food by fingers. There is nothing right and wrong. However, the eating habit is a culture and each them have its proper manner, which must be respected. If the filmmakers had any sense of respect, they wouldnft let her bite on the fish directly, which would make both the Japanese and the Micronesian viewers uncomfortable to see.

***** Rubbish conversation in the studio *****

In the morning, Naoki and Yukiyo were going into the water. The narrator said there were no toilet on the island, which was contradiction to the previous scene showing the flush toilet in the community center. The camera gave a long shot to a young girlfs wet skirt and legs standing in the water.

Yukiyos helping Christina and some island works were introduced.

Yukiyo played her instrument in (or almost in) the canoe house where no woman supposed to come close. The honorable faces of the chiefs were closely shot so that they could look admiring her performance.

***** Rubbish conversation in the studio *****

Naoki explained the parts and names of the canoe on Woleai beach.

Naoki and Yukiyo appeared on an imitation canoe set in a studio. On it Naoki started lecturing about Micronesian navigation techniques with the help of some images. Suddenly a cartoonish figure, which exactly looked like a monkey-manfs sculpture, popped up from the water then declared, gI am TO-KO-BE-I, God of Micronesia! The people call me TO-KO-BE-I and respect me. Now I will teach you the nature and the navigation!h

What is Tokobei?

One of the southwest islands in Republic of Palau now commonly called Tobi used to be called as Tokobei by the Japanese. According to Dr. Donald H. Rubinstein from the University of Guam, gTokobei is the Japanized pronunciation of the islandfs original name Hatahobei. Tobi is the Americanized pronunciation, which has caught on and is in current use.h (Rubinstein, D. H. Personal Communication May 2002)

Relationship with monkey-man sculpture?

During the Japanese time in Micronesia, the local children were taught in schools to carve and weave some handicrafts for the Japanese market. Some old people in Yap could recall that they were taught to carve monkey-man sculptures. In an old Japanese documentary film, which was shot mostly in Yap and Palau around the year 1932, a Japanese man was asking for a gTokobeih from a Yapese man. He clearly pronounced as Tokobei and meant it for a monkey-man sculpture. From these facts, we could guess that the Japanese used to call the monkey-man sculpture Tokobei and carving monkey-man sculptures were widely spread in Micronesia by the Japanese. But the origin of the naming and the model of the sculpture are not clearly known. Dr. Rubinstein continued, gthe carvings themselves are called san or by an older local term, something like liroch which refers to carved images in general. The southwest islanders speak a language quite different from Palauan, but closely related to the Fais-Ulithi language.h (Rubinstein, D. H. Personal Communication May 2002)

Does monkey-man sculpture symbolize a god or spirit?

Dr. Rubinstein answered, gPerhaps, One old woman from Hatahobei, I interviewed some years ago, recalled that there was a spirit house on Hatahobei when she was a child (that would have been in the first decade of 20th century). Inside the spirit house was a carved wooden figure about 60 cm (2 feet) in height, which she said resembled the modern monkey men. So it is possible that today's carvings are made-for-export tourist art pieces originally modeled on a figural carving that once had sacred significance. But I can't confirm that.h (Rubinstein, D. H. Personal Communication May 2002)

Then, do you think Tokobei, the Japanese-named monkey-man sculpture, symbolizes a god or spirit for the Micronesians? Do you respect it anyway?

Dr. Akimichi standing in front of Che-che-me-ni commented that the existence and the imagination lived together in Micronesian navigation.

### Dr. Akimichis insertion was to give this program some academic taste.

Mr. Jesus Urupiys picture inserted as an old navigator singing a star song.

The narrator said, gWhen you master the star compass, itfs time for you sail out to the great sea!h

The narrator said Naoki was in a star compass lesson in the navigation school. Naoki explained that the teaching must be done only in the local language (pretending he could understand it). The narrator continued "even at night Naoki never stopped learning stars with his local classmates!"

***** Rubbish conversation in the studio *****

Naoki was included to the tuna fishing to out reef by canoe (as though the people really planned it by themselves!)

When the canoe came back from the gfishingh, Yukiyo was waiting Naoki among the other men on the beach and she gestured exaggeratedly her disappointment for no fish!

Finally Naoki and Yukiyo left Woleai.

### Naoki, Yukiyo and her manager left Woleai on December 21st, 2001.

### What for the rest of the crew remained in Woleai until December 26th? Just to get the scene of PMA taking off with Naoki and Yukiyo?

Naoki was communicating with the Japanese children through satellite.

### The children from Woleai did not look joining and enjoying while Naoki was playing on his computer. This was not mutual communication.

Mr. Ukyo Katayama was introduced as a car racer and some Japanese children tried climbing on imitation rocks.

### I donft understand what did this scene mean. Anyway Mr. Katayama could get paid from this, good for him.

Yukiyo played her composition.

The End



Naokis Lecture on Star Navigation

January 19th and 20th, 2002 in Osaka






Using pictures from the trip with Mr. Mau Piailug to Satawal in 1998, Naoki made some imprudent jokes on the persons appearing in the scene, such as "I was supplied to see *** became now a police officer, because he is the kind of man who is most likely being arrested."


Using pictures and videos he took from the trip with TV Asahi and TBS in 2001, together with some photos from Hawaii, he "lectured" star navigation. Mr. Mairal singing star song was in the very last part of this session.


Naoki demonstrated how to wear lava lava and how to wear loincloth.


Questions and answers. Naoki proved his ignorance in this field through many incorrect or not proper answers.